Onion Global 洋葱集团-全球品牌管理集团
洋葱O\'MALL,成立于2014年,是洋葱集团旗下国内TOP级跨境社交电商平台,秉承“GIVE YOU MORE”的愿景,持续推进全球生态布局,选品涵盖日韩欧美澳亚等36个国家和地区,商品横跨美妆,母婴和个护等热销品类,依托洋葱生态成熟的物流链,让您足不出户,也能买遍全球!
- 2022-03-13 - 收藏QIWI Кошелек
QIWI Кошелек упрощает переводы и оплату любой из 11 000 услуг со всего света. Установите кошелек и освободитесь для любимых дел.
- 2022-03-13 - 收藏翎客航天官网linkspace
翎客航天官网http://www.linkspace.com.cn/Founded in January 2014, LINKSPACE is the first private rocket company in China. We focus on rocket VTVL and reusable technology, aiming to provide frequent, reliable and low-cost launch services to the world. The company is headquartered in Beijing, with a rocket assembly plant and test base in Shandong and a suborbital commercial launch base in Qinghai.
- 2022-03-10 - 收藏