
  • 雅高卡官网


    雅高卡就是消费卡,可在永和豆浆,家乐福,可的便利,新亚大包,等地方使用。例如:雅高e卡,逢年过节还有雅高中秋卡等等节日卡。 雅高服务于2000年在上海,北京开始其中国业务。通过为企业提供创新的福利解决方案,帮助企业提高其员工的忠诚度,提高企业绩效。接受雅高提供服务的客户达3,000余家,直接受益人群超过30万,加盟商户近3,000余家。 www.edenredticket.com

    - 2015-04-19 - 收藏
  • 环球科学网



    - 2015-04-19 - 收藏
  • ACS Publications

    ACS Publications

    ACS Publications manages the scholarly publishing program of the world’s largest and most influential scientific society. Every year over 100,000 authors and their research teams from the community of scientists worldwide submit their work for consideration, review, and publication to ACS Publications.

    - 2015-03-22 - 收藏
  • Library of Congress

    Library of Congress

    The Library of Congress. The Library of Congress is the nation\'s oldest federal cultural institution, and it serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with more than 120 million items. The collections include books, sound recordings, motion pictures, photographs, maps, and manuscripts

    - 2015-03-20 - 收藏
  • JYJwen E-book

    JYJwen E-book

    Comprehensive and practical book website

    - 2015-03-09 - 收藏
  • office家园


    专业的office办公软件中文学习平台,汇集Microsoft及金山WPS各版本Word,Excel,PowerPoint(ppt),Access,Outlook,Project,Visio,publisher,Visio,Lync,OneNote,SharePoint,及office 365企业版,Office for Mac 2011最新的office学习教程与技术。

    - 2015-02-26 - 收藏
  • 爱酷学习网


    爱酷学习网是一个免费提供高清视频教程、在线学习的学习平台。海量视频教程包括Java,.Net,C,C++,Python,Php,iOS,Ruby,Photoshop,Mybats,Spring,SpringMVC,Bootstrap,Semantic UI等视频教程。Android, iOS, Windows Phone移动客户端让你在手机等移动设备上也能随时随地在线学习免费高清视频教程

    - 2015-02-23 - 收藏
  • 爱飞客航空俱乐部


    爱飞客航空俱乐部www.aviclub.cn爱飞客航空俱乐部有限公司是由中航通用飞机有限责任公司出资设立,以私人飞行驾驶执照培训、个人飞行活动、飞机托管、飞机销售和航空服务为主要业务内容的时尚消费品提供商。 爱飞客将在全国形成50家连锁航空俱乐部的网络化布局,普及航空知识,传播航空文化,满足客户飞行愿望,实现飞行梦想,构建为客户提供飞行及航空相关服务的综合性平台。

    - 2015-02-22 - 收藏
  • Kickstarter众筹网


    Kickstarter于2009年4月在美国纽约成立,是一个专为具有创意方案的企业筹资的众筹网站平台。Kickstarter is the world\'s largest funding platform for creative projects. A home for film, music, art, theater, games, comics, design, photography, and more

    - 2015-02-19 - 收藏
  • pozible众筹网


    Pozible is a crowdfunding platform and community for creative projects and ideas. Developed for artists, musicians, filmmakers, journalists, designers, entrepreneurs, inventors, event organisers, software developers and all other creative minded people to raise funds and make awesome things possible.

    - 2015-02-19 - 收藏