The Independent
Independent, international and intelligent news coverage, from breaking stories to agenda-setting campaigns and comment
- 2016-11-22 - 收藏Frequency官网
Frequency is a cloud-based internet video service. Frequency aggregates and distributes video from hundreds of the world’s top producers, including the leading TV and Multi Channel Networks.www.frequency.com
- 2016-11-22 - 收藏디시인사이드 입니다
## We are with you all the way! IT is Life! 디시인사이드 입니다. ##국내 최대 커뮤니티 포털, 인터넷 트렌드의 중심 디시인사이드, dcinside www.dcinside.com
- 2016-09-10 - 收藏ShowMore
ShowMore 是一款免费在线的视频平台,让用户能够自由录制电脑屏幕中的画面。然后你能够将录制的视频上传到云空间,既能减少电脑硬盘的负担又能随时随地访问以及管理。通过云空间,你还可以一键分享给你的亲朋好友或者分享到其他社交网站当中。ShowMore gives you the ability to record any screen activity as videos. It also supports uploading and sharing your videos for accessing them conveniently.showmore.com
- 2016-09-06 - 收藏Vumble视频网
Vumble 是一个探索和分享互联网视频资源的站点,汇集了Reddit和Youtube视频站点最热门的视频内容,用户可以在这里浏览和探讨各种视频剪辑,采用实时更新的机制,让你一站式获取国外最热门的视频内容。Vumble is the easiest way to discover what the Internet is watching right now. Every day, users submit videos and vote to collectively determine what deserves www.vumble.com
- 2016-09-06 - 收藏