Diesel - jeans, clothing, shoes, watches, apparel, underwear and sunglasses,Diesel (迪赛) 成立于1978年,是意大利Genius集团旗下知名时装品牌。服装风格以破洞、污渍、手工漂旧为主,Diesel是一个以鲜明的“D”字母另人印象深刻的服装系列,主要是以牛仔材质设计男女服装。www.diesel.com
- 2015-06-18 - 收藏ToryBurch官网
Visit the official Tory Burch site for women\'s designer apparel, Tory Burch beauty & fragrance, womens shoes, handbags & accessories. Free shipping on orders over $300 at ToryBurch.com美国很受年轻人欢迎的时尚女装品牌之一,也是一个实际可行的奢侈生活方式品牌,源于经典的美国运动时装风格,充满了无拘无束的活力与感觉,产品主要有女装、包包、配饰及鞋靴,而其中最著名的就是它的双T LOGO的平底芭蕾舞鞋。www.toryburch.com
- 2015-06-18 - 收藏Lord and Taylor官网
Lord and Taylor: Designer Clothing, Shoes, Handbags, Accessories & More Lord & Taylor(罗德与泰勒百货)创建于1826年,是一家总部位于美国纽约第五大道的高档百货商店,从男女各类服装,儿童服装到珠宝首饰、鞋靴,各类家具用品及包包、化妆品等一应俱全。www.lordandtaylor.com
- 2015-06-18 - 收藏RankInsider
RankInsider.com - What is your website rank? All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The facts, figures, reviews, records, stats, and other data presented on this page is for suggestion and information purposes only. RankInsider.com is not responsible for any incorrect or incomplete information. RankInsider.com does not take responsibility for any user-reviews of websites inside its resource and reserves the right to keep or remove those. It is highly recommended that you re
- 2015-06-12 - 收藏WebCompanyInfo
The facts, figures, reviews, records, stats, and other data presented on this page is for suggestion and information purposes only. WebCompanyInfo.com - Information about any Web Company www.webcompanyinfo.com
- 2015-06-12 - 收藏Kipling吉普林官网
Kipling(吉普林),来自比利时,创建于1987年,是世界上最著名的休闲时尚箱包品牌。以系列化的休闲时尚包、书包及行李箱为主要产品,行销网络遍布于世界各地。KIPLING在休闲用品中拥有全世界最顶尖的设计与品质,是现代时尚人的眼中极品。Kipling - A colorful array of handbags, backpacks, luggage, wallets, messenger bags, travel accessories and much more.www.kipling-usa.com
- 2015-06-05 - 收藏Nautica官网
Nautica, a global lifestyle brand, offers a wide selection of apparel for men, women and kids as well as a large selection of home products, select accessories like watches and small leather goods, fragrance and swimwear.1983年成立源自美国的时装品牌,NAUTICA的产品系列包括休闲装、比赛服、男女牛仔服系列、男子正装、女子泳装、男女睡衣、男子内衣、童装,以及全系列的配饰品,包括眼镜、手表、香水和家居用品。Nautica的服饰充满着阳光气息,线条简洁有力,用色方面较为鲜明 (bright colour),湖水蓝、青绿色的衣服比比皆是。
- 2015-06-05 - 收藏