- 2020-10-03 - 收藏嘉峪关市义务教育新生报名系统
嘉峪关市义务教育阶段新生报名系统http:// 打开电脑客户端浏览器,推荐使用360或谷歌浏览器。在浏览器地址栏输入网上申请系统网址(https://www.jygedu.com),即可登录系统,进入系统首页。
- 2020-07-30 - 收藏AirPano网站
AirPano is a VR project created by a team of Russian photographers focused on taking high-resolution aerial 360° photographs and 360° video. Today AirPano is the largest virtual travel resource in the world -- by geographical coverage, number of aerial photographs, and artistic and technical quality of the images — featuring 360° panoramas and 360° videos of the highest quality shot from a bird\'s eye view.
- 2020-06-24 - 收藏