- 2020-03-05 - 收藏万向区块链实验室
万向区块链实验室www.blockchainlabs.org万向区块链实验室是中国国内首家专注于区块链技术的非盈利性前沿研究机构,由中国万向控股有限公司于2015 年9月出资成立。实验室在全球范围内聚集了领域内的专家就技术研发、商业应用、产业战略等方面进行研究探讨,为创业者提供指引,为行业发展和政策制定提供参考,促进区块链技术服务于社会经济的进步发展。自成立以来,万向区块链实验室通过每年举办区块链全球峰会、丛书出版、研究报告、推出孵化器、行业培训、技术讲座、高校产学研合作,以及发起成立中国分布式总账基础协议联盟(ChinaLedger)等举措,已经成为了国内首屈一指、国际领先的区块链技术领域的标志性研究机构。
- 2018-04-17 - 收藏Deep Silver FISHLABS
Deep Silver FISHLABS brings next-gen gaming experiences with high-end 3D graphics and AAA production values to smartphones and tablets. Thanks to our unique know-how and strong IPs, we are ready to take the mobile landscape by storm and revise the way gaming on iOS, Android and WP8 is perceived. Get in touch with us today and help us make the games of tomorrow!
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏International trade stone company
Xiamen HangMao trade is a collection of navigation trade stone material, specifications board, marble granite slabs, marble, granite, slab, stone factory processing and import and export trade is a body comprehensive enterprise.
- 2013-12-11 - 收藏