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    - 2015-11-25 - 收藏
  • Niltalk 网

    Niltalk 网

    Niltalk 网站是一个无需注册的在线聊天室社区,安全机制很高,用户的对话都是通过SSL加密机制处理,不会记录用户的IP地址、信息;使用方法简单实用,对于要求安全方面比较高的用户不妨试试看。Instantly create secure, private, and disposable chat rooms and chat away for FREE!

    - 2015-11-24 - 收藏
  • Online Booty Call

    Online Booty Call

    OnlineBootyCall 是一个在线约会和交友服务网站。OnlineBootyCall 为你提供了安全和谨慎的消息发送功能,你可以与其他的会员在不透露个人信息的条件下进行沟通。此外,你可以在亲自与对方见面之前缩小个人约会对象范围。Online Booty Call is a casual dating site for singles who enjoy the benefits of dating without having to give up the excitement of being single. Relax - try casual dates and meet local singles today!

    - 2015-11-24 - 收藏
  • ArtGraphica网站


    ArtGraphica 网站是一个致力于提供优质的艺术教育和来自不同背景和年龄段的艺术家们的作品,主要涉及写生、素描、油画、铅笔、水彩、粉彩、亚克力、木炭、水墨和绘画理论课程等。For more than ten years artgraphica has provided a free education for art students and a great resource for teachers, helping educate artists of all ages and abilities to improve sketching drawing and painting skills.

    - 2015-11-24 - 收藏
  • Adafruit 机器人电子元件开发平台

    Adafruit 机器人电子元件开发平台

    Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits : - Tools Gift Certificates Arduino Cables Sensors LEDs Books Power EL Wire/Tape/Panel Components & Parts LCDs & Displays Wearables BeagleBone Prototyping Raspberry Pi Wireless Young Engineers 3D printing NeoPixels Boards Kits & Projects Robotics & CNC Accessories Software Cosplay/Costuming Halloween Reseller & University Packs Internet of Things - IoT Particle ecommerce, open source, shop, online shopping

    - 2015-11-24 - 收藏
  • Toastmasters International国际演讲会官网

    Toastmasters International国际演讲会官网

    国际演讲会(Toastmasters International)是一个国际非盈利组织,通过其数以千计之属会,该组织提供有沟通及领导两方法的课程,课程主要教授说话,聆听及思考的技巧。目的为帮会员提升其沟通,演讲及领导技巧。Become the Leader and Speaker you want to be

    - 2015-11-24 - 收藏
  • DeepFlight蛟龙飞行潜艇官网


    蛟龙号(Deepflight Dragon)是由世界著名的海洋工程师雷厄姆·霍克斯研发的一艘四轴推进双座飞行潜艇,造型像一架飞机,每个座位上都是安装有专属的气泡玻璃驾驶舱,给乘客带来无与伦比的浸入体验。DeepFlight produces the most advanced and highest performance personal submarines on the planet. You can fly with whales, do a barrel roll underwater, or simply explore the world beneath the waves – nothing else comes close.

    - 2015-11-24 - 收藏
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    - 2015-11-23 - 收藏