Harman Kardon
Harman Kardon 是 Harman International Industries, Incorporated 旗下的一家公司,专为消费者和汽车行业设计并制造音响设备。
- 2014-05-22 - 收藏
Harman Kardon 密切关注听众的需求。 它生产的 DVD 播放机、音频/视频接收器及其他音响系统既能达到最挑剔音乐发烧友的超高标准,又具备普通用户所需的易用性。Khan Academy
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Short, viral and deadly funny! Mondo is where frowns and sadness go to die, and animated series sip champagne and eat the finest mermaid sushi. We pack our animation cannon full of new shorts every week and fire it at your face until you call the police. It\'s not a job - it\'s our pleasure!
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- 2014-05-22 - 收藏