Mahidol University
Mahidol University is the best comprehensive universities in Thailand and Mahidol University is ranked as the #1 university in Thailand by the recent
- 2015-10-31 - 收藏TourismThailand泰国国家旅游局官网
泰国国家旅游局成立于1960年3月18日,是泰国第一个专门负责旅游推广的政府组织,负责为公众提供旅游信息,宣传泰国及其旅游,对相关项目和人员进行规划和提供支持。目前,旅游局共有16家海外办事处。2002年11月5日,北京办事处正式成立。The official site of Tourism Authority of Thailand. Amazing Thailand, Travel information, Travel guide, maps, hotels, accommodation, attractions, events & festivals, food, culture, shopping information to help you plan your Thailand vacations.
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- 2015-10-31 - 收藏