国际编码网www.gs1.org The Global Language of Business. Business is easier when you speak the same language as your customers, suppliers and partners. We all do things our own way. But although these differences help define an organisation’s identity, they can cause problems when we work together. That’s where GS1 can help. No matter what success looks like for you, being able to identify, capture and share information is vital to achieving it. Our standards provide a common language throu
- 2016-07-27 - 收藏yun2win_为您提供即时通讯云、融合通讯云服务的云通讯平台,服务包含im、基于webrtc下的实时音视频、在线白板、屏幕共享等服务
yun2win是国内首家融合通讯云开放平台,是基于PaaS的即时通讯IM云服务,开发者通过集成yun2win客户端SDK和云端OPEN API,即可快速接入强大的IM功能和音视频功能。
- 2016-07-26 - 收藏