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- 2015-09-01 - 收藏OnlineShoes官网
OnlineShoes,美国第一个网上鞋零售商,也是美国唯一一家私人控股的互联网鞋类零售商,致力于提供一个精简的、满意的,节省客户时间和金钱的购物体验。Onlineshoes 汇集了200多个高档品牌的33000多种款式新颖、高品质的服装、休闲和运动鞋,服务对象为男性、女性和儿童。另还出售包、背包、运动服装等。Free Shipping, 365-Day Returns. 24/7 Customer Service 1.206.971.7388. Over 340+ of your favorite brands; Shoes, sandals, boots, clogs, clothing & more. Casual shoes, running & dress shoes for women, men & kids.
- 2015-07-10 - 收藏ZOPO卓普手机官网
ZOPO is engaged in mobile intelligent terminal products design, manufacture, marketing and after-sales service.Android Phones,Smart Phones,Cell Phones,4G Phones,Zopomobile,ZOPO,ZOPO Official
- 2015-07-03 - 收藏Biotherm官网
Biotherm是来自法国的奢华品牌,欧洲三大护肤品牌之一,提供全系列的脸部、身体、防晒和男士等护理产品。碧欧泉 (Biotherm) 的产品均含有独特的矿泉活细胞因子 PTPTM ,它无比精纯、无限活性,与天然肌肤细胞的完美状态惊人的相似,能促进肌肤维持的自然运作。 Biotherm offers luxury skin care products, treatments and solutions for all types of skin. Shop our collection of soothing, moisturizing face and body products today. Biotherm
- 2015-05-16 - 收藏Brooks Brothers官网
美国知名男士服饰品牌,创立于1818年,多年来秉承着优质用料、服务至上及不断创新的方针,逐渐地成为一个美国衣着品牌的创造者,以男士商务上班服为主,更是不少名人世代之选,历年来不少政界领袖如前美国总统肯尼迪、福特、布什及克林顿都是Brooks Brothers的长期捧场客,所以Brooks Brothers更有总统的“御衣”之美誉。Brooks Brothers is known for classic clothing and apparel for men, women & kids including non-iron dress shirts, dress pants, suits, ties, jackets, blazers, and more
- 2015-05-16 - 收藏TIMEX天美时官网
天美时是拥有百年历史的美国手表第一品牌TIMEX,以专业的制表技术闻名全球,在美国为最畅销的运动休闲表品牌。For more than 150 years, Timex has focused on quality, value and timeless style. Today, trusted favorites testify to our customer loyalty, redesigned classics make bold modern statements, and worldwide popularity proves wearing a Timex tells more than time. Through trends, technology, expeditions, marathons and generations, Timex®, keeps on ticking.™
- 2015-04-24 - 收藏