Founded in April 2000, SpecialChem implement Interactive Marketing & Open Innovation processes in the chemicals and materials value chains to increase innovation speed and success of new products launches.
- 2010-06-11 - 收藏Paint and Coatings Industry
Features industry news, new products, buyers guide, calendar of events and a range of related information.
- 2010-06-11 - 收藏American Coatings Association
The American Coatings Association (ACA) advances the needs of the paint and coatings industry through advocacy and programs that support environmental protection, product stewardship, health, safety, and the advancement of science and technology.
- 2010-06-11 - 收藏中搜(Zhongso)
中搜在2002年进入中文搜索引擎市场,为全球最大的中文搜索引擎技术供应和服务商之一,曾为新浪、TOM、网易等国内主流门户网站以及各地区、各行业上千家中国搜索联盟网站提供搜索引擎技术服务。2004年中搜进入个人门户,2006年推出个人门户IG(Internet Gateway),完成了互联网从传统搜索引擎到个人门户的跨越,中搜一举从搜索引擎的推动者转变为个人门户领导者。
- 2010-03-18 - 收藏