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- 2016-08-22 - 收藏Gedächtnistraining
Memoniac:数字记忆强化训练教学平台是一个帮助人们强化记忆与数字有关的所有内容,例如你经常会忘记朋友的手机号,自己设置的密码,亲人的生日,重要的数字等等,该网站推出的视频教程就是帮助你强化记忆数字方面的知识,提供记忆能力。Gedächtnistraining: Zahlen merken » memoniac.com
- 2016-08-22 - 收藏SunGirl Entertainment Video Studio
SunGirlBaby - Asia\'s First Pretty Ladies Video Photo Entertainment Platform, We have a collection of known models in China, Hongkong, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietname and other overseas countries, we will update you every week with high quality videos and cover works.en.sungirlbaby.com
- 2016-08-08 - 收藏Miniatur Wunderland官网
微缩景观世界 (Miniatur Wunderland) 是一家铁路模型展览中心,展示的模型囊括全球各地的许多地点,铁轨长度近 16,000 米。孪生兄弟 Frederik 和 Gerrit Braun 于 2000 年创立了微缩景观世界,整个项目细节丰富饱满,充满了奇趣和梦幻之感。Miniatur Wunderland – the world\'s largest model railway exhibition. A world-famous model train and miniature exhibition located in Hamburg, Germany.www.miniatur-wunderland.com
- 2016-08-07 - 收藏BIM Task Group
BIM Task Group | A UK Government Initiative www.bimtaskgroup.org BIM Task Group,David Philp,UK Government,CIC,BIS,Cabinet Office,Planning,Architecture,construction industry,building information modeling,Government Construction Strategy,United Kingdom,BEW,Govt BIM Strategy,Govt BIM Task Group,COBie,Level 2 BIM
- 2016-06-26 - 收藏