
  • 汉语网


    Chinese,Learn Chinese,Learn Chinese Online,汉语,汉语网,hanyu,hanyunet,eclass,webcast,emagazine,culture,entertainment

    - 2014-05-29 - 收藏
  • Learn Chinese Online

    Learn Chinese Online

    Hujiang Chinese Learning Website — For Chinese Beginners,Pronunciation,Characters; Including Chinese Speaking,Vocabulary,Grammar,Listening,Reading,Terminology, HSK,Culture; Movies & TVs, Songs, Traditions, Literature, Living in China,Food,Travel,City Guides, Customs, Stories, and so on

    - 2014-05-29 - 收藏
  • 爱佑慈善基金会


    爱佑慈善基金会www.ayfoundation.org 爱佑慈善基金会是2004 年《基金会管理条例》颁布施行后国内首家注册成立的非公募基金会,由企业家发起并管理运作,在全国范围内开展项目,促进慈善事业的发展。 地址:北京市朝阳区朝外大街甲6号万通中心D座302 电话:+86 10 5907 0561 邮箱:ay@ayfoundation.org 网址:www.ayfoundation.org 新浪微博:http://weibo.com/iuchina 腾讯微博:http://e.t.qq.com/hxcharity 官方微信:爱佑慈善基金会

    - 2014-05-29 - 收藏
  • 监控魔方


    监控魔方,网站质量即时探测工具 监控魔方,监控宝,基调,即时探测,www.jiankongmf.com

    - 2014-05-29 - 收藏
  • 松原163供求信息网



    - 2014-05-25 - 收藏
  • GOOD


    GOOD is a global community of people and organizations working towards individual and collective progress.GOOD, GOOD Magazine, Business, Creativity, Education, The GOODest

    - 2014-05-23 - 收藏
  • 特拉华大学


    The University of Delaware, which traces its origins to 1743, offers over 100 academic majors; its distinguished faculty includes internationally known scientists, authors and teachers.

    - 2014-05-22 - 收藏
  • 在线地图经度纬度查询


    在线地图经度纬度查询www.earthol.com从卫星上鸟瞰地球,感受前所未有的视觉冲击。采用Google Earth Maps等开放接口技术构建,操作十分简便,鼠标点击即可轻松拖动、缩放地图画面。多源卫星地图与城市电子地图实时无缝切换,网上游历世界各地风景名胜,旅行景点地图地标在线分享。

    - 2014-05-22 - 收藏
  • Harman Kardon

    Harman Kardon

    Harman Kardon 是 Harman International Industries, Incorporated 旗下的一家公司,专为消费者和汽车行业设计并制造音响设备。
    Harman Kardon 密切关注听众的需求。 它生产的 DVD 播放机、音频/视频接收器及其他音响系统既能达到最挑剔音乐发烧友的超高标准,又具备普通用户所需的易用性。

    - 2014-05-22 - 收藏
  • Mondo动漫网


    Short, viral and deadly funny! Mondo is where frowns and sadness go to die, and animated series sip champagne and eat the finest mermaid sushi. We pack our animation cannon full of new shorts every week and fire it at your face until you call the police. It\'s not a job - it\'s our pleasure!

    - 2014-05-22 - 收藏