威锋网诞生于2007年1月10日,与美国苹果公司(Apple Inc.)公布iPhone是同一天,也是最早建立的关于iPhone专题网站,威锋网论坛一直是最具人气的中文iPhone社区,也是全球最大的关于iPhone讨论的网上社区,威锋网出品了第一个原创iPhone中文软件。目前网站提供iPhone软件评测,音乐,电影,铃声下载等服务。
- 2010-12-16 - 收藏Django CMS
django CMS is an open-source project from Switzerland. The content management system is based on the web framework Django and is written in Python.
- 2010-11-03 - 收藏Stackless Python
Stackless Python is an enhanced version of the Python programming language. It allows programmers to reap the benefits of thread-based programming without the performance and complexity problems associated with conventional threads.
- 2010-11-03 - 收藏Python-JavaEye技术社区
Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts.
- 2010-11-03 - 收藏Python中文社区
CPUG是中国第一个正式成立的Python用户的民间组织,在广大Python爱好者的推动下为宣传和发展Python而成立的。 现在CPUG提供 Python相关的资源和服务,有兴趣可以加入我们并使用我们的服务。我们接受各种支持和赞助,同时也愿意与您合作,一同致力于Python的发展。
- 2010-11-03 - 收藏