
  • Dr. Dobb's

    Dr. Dobb's

    Software tools and techniques for global software development. Dr. Dobb's features articles, source code, blogs,forums,video tutorials, and audio podcasts, as well as articles from Dr.

    - 2010-03-02 - 收藏
  • 7-Zip


    7-Zip is open source software. Most of the source code is under the GNU LGPL license. The unRAR code is under a mixed license: GNU LGPL + unRAR restrictions.

    - 2010-02-26 - 收藏
  • 傲游浏览器


    傲游是最符合中国人使用习惯多标签浏览器,拥有业界最优秀的在线收藏和广告过滤功能,并囊括了智能填表、超级拖放、鼠标手势、分屏浏览等众多易用功能, 100%提高浏览效率,给我们带来更快捷、更稳定、更安全的上网体验。

    - 2010-02-25 - 收藏
  • KYOCERA(京瓷)


    Produces cameras, copiers, printers, mobile phones, ceramic goods, electronic and semiconductor components, and optoelectronic products.

    - 2010-02-10 - 收藏
  • JVC


    JVC is a leading developer and manufacturer of sophisticated audio and video products that use superior technologies to deliver high quality sound and images.

    - 2010-02-10 - 收藏
  • SIGMA(适马)


    For photographers everywhere, Sigma is the total sum of the research, development, manufacturing and service of the world's leading line of lenses and cameras.

    - 2010-02-10 - 收藏
  • Ricoh(理光)


    Ricoh Global portal site. You can find Ricoh's wide range of products , environmental activities, invester relations.

    - 2010-02-10 - 收藏
  • SHARP(夏普)


    Corporate data, board of directors, organization in Japan, business activities, R&D organization, Japanese and overseas affiliates, etc.

    - 2010-02-10 - 收藏
  • Hitachi(日立)


    Hitachi's diversity is a result of its policy of responding to society's changing needs by entering new product areas while keeping existing divisions active.

    - 2010-02-10 - 收藏
  • SANYO Electric(三洋)

    SANYO Electric(三洋)

    SANYO Electric Global Portal Site. Gateway to SANYO Websites Worldwide, and Products Information, Corporate Information, Corporate History, Investor Relations, Corporate Social Contributions.

    - 2010-02-10 - 收藏