Hush Puppies官网
Hush Puppies(暇步士)创立于1958年, 隶属于Wolverine旗下,以著名的巴吉度猎犬为标志,产品以休闲服装、服饰、鞋类及相关产品为主。Official Hush Puppies Online Store – Receive free shipping and exchanges when you shop our casual shoes for men, women & kids. Shop now!
- 2015-06-05 - 收藏Kipling吉普林官网
Kipling(吉普林),来自比利时,创建于1987年,是世界上最著名的休闲时尚箱包品牌。以系列化的休闲时尚包、书包及行李箱为主要产品,行销网络遍布于世界各地。KIPLING在休闲用品中拥有全世界最顶尖的设计与品质,是现代时尚人的眼中极品。Kipling - A colorful array of handbags, backpacks, luggage, wallets, messenger bags, travel accessories and much
- 2015-06-05 - 收藏Nautica官网
Nautica, a global lifestyle brand, offers a wide selection of apparel for men, women and kids as well as a large selection of home products, select accessories like watches and small leather goods, fragrance and swimwear.1983年成立源自美国的时装品牌,NAUTICA的产品系列包括休闲装、比赛服、男女牛仔服系列、男子正装、女子泳装、男女睡衣、男子内衣、童装,以及全系列的配饰品,包括眼镜、手表、香水和家居用品。Nautica的服饰充满着阳光气息,线条简洁有力,用色方面较为鲜明 (bright colour),湖水蓝、青绿色的衣服比比皆是。
- 2015-06-05 - 收藏NBA官方商城
NBA官方正式授权的网络专营店,以专卖NBA特色商品为主,包括男女服装、儿童服装、毛织运动衫、T恤、官方队徽的帽子、鞋类、配件、篮球必备用品等。Score NBA Gear, Jerseys, Apparel, Memorabilia, DVDs, Clothing and other NBA products (including the latest Jordan Shoes). Official NBA Gear for all ages. Shop for men, women and kids\' basketball gear and merchandise at the
- 2015-06-05 - 收藏Rebecca Minkoff 官网
Rebecca Minkoff is an industry leader in accessible luxury handbags, accessories, footwear, and apparel. Shop the official online store and browse the latest collections of this Global lifestyle brand.Rebecca Minkoff(瑞贝卡·明可弗)是由美国著名设计师瑞贝卡·明可弗 (Rebecca Minkoff)于2001年在美国设立的,现在已经成为时尚名包的代名词,该品牌的包备受新一代好莱坞巨星的推崇,几乎人手一个。该品牌的时装设计近几年也大出风头,主打青春时尚和朋克风格,并且大胆用色,新颖的剪裁为其赢得很多好评。
- 2015-06-05 - 收藏