International Labour Organization(国际劳工组织)
The UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights.
- 2011-11-12 - 收藏World Tourism Organization UNWTO(世界旅游组织)
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO/OMT) is a specialized agency of the United Nations and the leading international organization in the field of tourism. It serves as a global forum for tourism policy issues and a practical source of tourism know-how.
- 2011-11-11 - 收藏National Organization for Women(世界妇女组织)
The National Organization for Women (NOW): Taking action for women's equality since 1966. News from NOW: stories about women and feminism, action alerts, and more.
- 2011-11-11 - 收藏World Intellectual Property Organization(世界知识产权组织)
WIPO, The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) homepage, entry point for information about industrial property and copyright.
- 2011-11-11 - 收藏World Trade Organization(世界贸易组织)
The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
- 2011-11-11 - 收藏国家大剧院
国家大剧院www.chncpa.org站点提供大剧院演出安排、票务资讯、艺术教育、会员服务相关内容。2007年12月22日,国家大剧院正式运营的大幕徐徐拉开。大幕开启的同时,大剧院人也创造和书写着自己的历史。借鉴国内外知名大剧院的成功经验,依据中国特有的社会文化背景,大剧院对自己的发展愿景做出了清晰规划。 国家大剧院(网址: Http://www.chncpa.org),作为中国最高表演艺术中心,始终秉承人民性、艺术性、国际性的办院宗旨,以“艺术改变生活”为核心价值观,持续为公众提供高水平的文化艺术精品,让更多的人感受艺术魅力。 欢迎走进大剧院,感受大剧院。
- 2011-07-21 - 收藏Borghese(贝佳斯)
Shop Online, Skin Care, Spa, Cosmetics, Make up, Bath and Body, Fragrance, Beauty Products. Borghese products blend science and nature with restorative Acqua di Vita complex from the legendary Terme di Montecatini spa, Borghese.
- 2011-04-19 - 收藏World Health Organization(世界卫生组织)
WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.
- 2011-03-11 - 收藏