The official website of Berne tourism, with practical information about journey, accommodations, objects of interest, means of transport, meetings, restaurant, buying and much more.www.bern.com
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏Raumrot无版权图片网
Raumrot:免费高分辨率无版权图片网是一个由马库斯创办的致力于分享免费高清分辨率图片并可以用于个人和商业项目的图片素材资源,出色的高分辨照片全部免费,可直接下载使用,该网站已加入CC授权。raumrot: Free high-resolution pictures you can use on your personal and commercial projects. Outstanding Hi-Res Photos for FREE.
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏FaceYourManga
FaceYourManga:在线大头贴制作工具是一个可以让用户制作有趣的大头贴生成工具,五分钟就可以快速的完成一张Q版的个人头像,并且可以保存到本地,应用于各大社交网络。Face Your Manga - description
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏FutureLearn
Join over 2,520,732 people learning with FutureLearn. Enjoy free online courses from top universities and cultural institutions. Find the course for you.www.futurelearn.com
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏Firefly Collection
Firefly Collection:萤火虫建筑作品收藏网是一个基于世界特色建筑作品收藏分享的网站,收录了世界上最优秀的建筑作品,暂时不同国家的建筑师们的作品图片欣赏,让你看遍世界的游戏建筑风格。Firefly Collection is a hand-picked portfolio of luxury villas and ski chalets, all with exceptional service and all with the wow-factor.
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏English Language (ESL) Learning Online
Resources to learn the English language for ESL, EFL, ESOL, and EAP students and teachers. Browse our Glossary of Terms, join our busy forums, download our free language software, read our articles and teacher handouts, and find useful links and information on English here.
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏Polaroid Blipfoto
Blipfoto:宝丽来摄影图片分享社区是一个由传统相机厂商宝丽来联合发布的摄影图分享网站,简称为\"一日一图\"的个人在线图片日志服务,提供免费的Android 和 iOS 客户端,并可通过网页访问。Keep a simple record of your life, with just one photo a day. Start your free photo journal now, because life is worth celebrating every day.
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏Torch Web Browser
Torch Browser 浏览器是一款基于谷歌Chrome浏览器而开发的全新工具型浏览器,支持网页浏览、视频下载、BT客户端、社交分享、在线游戏、在线听歌、在线看视频,自带视频嗅探功能,支持通过浏览器直接采集下载到本地,同时该支持视频文件的格式转换。Get more from the web with Torch Browser. Learn more about this unique browser here.
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏PolyglotClub在线多语言社交俱乐部
PolyglotClub:在线多语言社交俱乐部是一个致力于国际多语种语言学习的位置,在这不光可以交到法国朋友还能交到各种母语国家的朋友,比如西班牙人,丹麦人,中国,俄罗斯,意大利人,德国人,美国人,墨西哥人,葡萄牙人等,几乎涵盖了全世界大部分的语言。Learn a foreign language: online and offline language exchange, educational resources. Community of teachers and students from all around the world. Register for free and find a native speaker.
- 2015-10-24 - 收藏designboom magazine
DesignBoom:工业设计平台自从1999年起便成为艺术设计领域的大本营,独立报道一系列设计,建筑,艺术,摄影及平面设计方面的先锋作品这是一个展示工业设计的网站。est. 1999 designboom is the first and most popular digital magazine for architecture & design culture. daily news for a professional and creative audience.
- 2015-10-24 - 收藏