Google App Engine官网
Google App Engine 是一种让您可以在 Google 的基础架构上运行您的网络应用程序。Google App Engine 应用程序易于构建和维护,并可根据您的访问量和数据存储需要的增长轻松扩展。使用 Google App Engine,将不再需要维护服务器:您只需上传您的应用程序,它便可立即为您的用户提供服务。
- 2016-03-25 - 收藏OpenShift官网
OpenShift是红帽的云开发平台即服务(PaaS)。自由和开放源码的云计算平台使开发人员能够创建、测试和运行他们的应用程序,并且可以把它们部署到云中。Openshift广泛支持多种编程语言和框架,如Java,Ruby和PHP等。OpenShift is an open source PaaS by Red Hat based on top of Docker containers and the Kubernetes container cluster manager for enterprise app development and
- 2016-03-25 - 收藏Qua
Find and book cheap flights with guaranteed best prices. Qua help you find and compare fares and flights from thousands travel sites at once, giving you access to the official sites with best deals for airline tickets or helping you to book directly on Qua’s website with no booking fee
- 2016-03-15 - 收藏The Hacker Software - AntiMalware
The Hacker Software - AntiMalware Realice descarte de virus enviando sus archivos a nuestro laboratorio, si se trata de una amenaza nueva recibirá en breve una actualización de emergencia para desinfectar su equipo.
- 2016-03-07 - 收藏ThreatTrack Security
ThreatTrack Security for business exposes Advanced Persistent Threats, Malware, Viruses, Adware and Spyware to keep your network safe from cyber
- 2016-03-07 - 收藏