Nautica, a global lifestyle brand, offers a wide selection of apparel for men, women and kids as well as a large selection of home products, select accessories like watches and small leather goods, fragrance and swimwear.1983年成立源自美国的时装品牌,NAUTICA的产品系列包括休闲装、比赛服、男女牛仔服系列、男子正装、女子泳装、男女睡衣、男子内衣、童装,以及全系列的配饰品,包括眼镜、手表、香水和家居用品。Nautica的服饰充满着阳光气息,线条简洁有力,用色方面较为鲜明 (bright colour),湖水蓝、青绿色的衣服比比皆是。
- 2015-06-05 - 收藏Intellectual Property Office
Intellectual Property Office The Intellectual Property Office website is currently experiencing difficulties.We are working to rectify the situation and hope to be back online soon... www.ipo.gov.uk
- 2015-04-29 - 收藏PetSmart官网
PetSmart , 是美国最大的宠物用品零售商, 在美国、加拿大和波多黎各共有约54000员工,1387家门店和201个PetSmart PetsHotels® dog寄宿设施。PetSmart有12000多种产品,价格合理,店内服务包括宠物收养,登记,培养和培训。另外还提供领先的在线宠物用品和宠物护理信息。Get the best pet supplies to care for your pet. PetSmart offers quality pet products and accessories for a healthier, happier pet.
- 2015-04-24 - 收藏OBEY CLOTHING官网
Obey,品牌全名叫Obey Giant。设计师喜欢收集贴字、海报,曾以一名摔角手’Andre the Grant’的样貌作贴字、贴满整个街头而广受欢迎,因而取其名作品牌名字。轻便的街头服饰以摇滚及Hip Hop乐手作设计灵感,款式包括卫衣、tee及阔身裤子。The official OBEY Clothing website. A mix of progressive design, classic street wear, and apparel basics. Based on the design of artist and designer Shepard Fairey.
- 2015-04-24 - 收藏GreenGeeks.官网
Web Hosting Services by GreenGeeks. Top ranked Green Hosting Provider. Website hosting company offering Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting and Dedicated Servers.
- 2015-02-02 - 收藏InMotionHosting
Web Hosting Services by InMotion Hosting. Top rated Business Hosting Provider for Small and Medium Companies. Website hosting company offering VPS Hosting, Dedicated Servers and Shared Hosting.InMotionHosting是成立于2001年的美国虚拟主机商,InMotionHosting是美国最好的针对中小型客户和电子商务网站的主机空间服务商之一·虽然InMotionHosting的成立时间不长,但是InMotionHosting已经获得了不少主机奖章,而且InMotionHosting的BBB级为’A-’(得分为90%~93%),说明绝大多的美国客户对于InMotionHosting还是非常满意的·InMotionHosting不仅仅提供Linux虚拟主机,还提供VPS主机,独立服务器,以及网页设计,SEO优化等服务。
- 2015-02-02 - 收藏Web Hosting Pad 官网
Quality and affordable web hosting from $1.99 from Web Hosting Pad with 24/7 U.S based techsupport and customer satisfaction guaranteed.
- 2015-02-02 - 收藏HOST1PLUS官网
host1plus优惠码HOST1PLUS offers affordable hosting solutions for shared hosting, reseller hosting, vps hosting, cloud hosting and dedicated servers.
- 2015-02-02 - 收藏