丽莎妈妈的世界,主要提供世界儿童音乐、诗歌、书籍、菜谱等育儿信息。它收集了世界各地著名的童谣和儿歌。该网站信息全面、分类明确(按字母和地区分类)、查询便捷。此外,还有“丽莎博客”专栏与用户分享世界各国风情。Children\'s songs and nursery rhymes from all over the globe presented both in English and their native languages. Many include MP3, realaudio or midi sound clips and sheet music.
- 2015-10-29 - 收藏Vatican Tours梵蒂冈旅游公司
梵蒂冈旅游公司(Vatican Tour Company)是位于意大利罗马专营梵蒂冈旅游业务的旅行社(梵蒂冈是教皇国,该国境内没有任何公司,其旅游业务基本由罗马的各大旅行社包揽)。该公司除了敬业梵蒂冈的旅游路线之外,还提供一些罗马城市的旅游服务,部分旅游路线将梵蒂冈和罗马之旅打包销售,主要接待个人和团体的旅游,较少涉及商务服务。网站语言为英语。We specialise in small and private tours around Rome, including Vatican Tours, Sistine Chapel, St Peter Basilica, Colosseum and more...discover Rome without the queues!
- 2015-10-29 - 收藏Musei Vaticani梵蒂冈博物馆
Sito Ufficiale dei Musei Vaticani, Vatican Museums Official, Web oficial de los Museos Vaticanos, Offizielle Internet-Site der Vatikanischen Museen 梵蒂冈博物馆 Sito Ufficiale dei Musei Vaticani, Vatican Museums Official, Web oficial de los Museos Vaticanos, Offizielle Internet-Site der Vatikanischen Museen mv.vatican.va
- 2015-10-29 - 收藏Mistersoftair
Mistersoftair - Vendita di abbigliamento tattico, armi e accessori SOFTAIR - San Marino
- 2015-10-29 - 收藏University of Malta
University of Malta Think Magazine: Issue 14 The University of Malta’s research magazine divider Opening of academic year 2015-16 The University of Malta opens its doors... www.um.edu.mt
- 2015-10-27 - 收藏Inoreader-RSS订阅平台
inoReader:在线RSS订阅管理平台是一个非常优秀的RSS新闻源订阅管理工具,支持中文界面,拥有几乎和Google Reader一样的功能,支持多种浏览器的扩展插件,非常值得使用。Inoreader is the content reader built especially for power users who want to save time. Using a content reader helps you keep up with your top information sources - content comes straight to you, saving you the time to go and check every site on your own. With Inoreader you can also monitor news about specific keywords, save pages from the web for viewing later or subscribe to social feeds. And when you
- 2015-10-27 - 收藏FloorStyler在线室内装饰模拟平台
FloorStyler:在线室内装饰模拟平台是一个可以在线模拟装饰房屋规划设计的平台网站, 帮助室内设计师和个人用户用来制作室内设计平面效果图,无需专业的技术即可实现室内装饰的效果图了。Floor styler is the easiest way for sketching floor plans and house plans in both 2D & 3D with the help of intuitive user interface!www.floorstyler.com
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏FirstDate约会交友网
FirstDate:瑞典在线约会交友网Bli medlem gratis på Skandinaviens största datingsida och sök bland 1,3 miljoner singlar. Firstdate - online dating med träffgaranti!
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏NTB挪威通讯社官网
挪威通讯社(简称NTB)是挪威唯一的通讯社,成立于1867年,总部位于首都奥斯陆,其国内新闻主要通过各地报纸指定的报道员提供,国际新闻主要依靠转发路透社、法新社和合众国际社以及北欧各国通讯社的电讯。NTB er landets største leverandør av innholdstjenester i tekst, bilder, video og grafikk til norske medier.
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏