REI是美国也是全球最大的户外用品连锁零售组织,由劳埃德和玛丽•安德森于1938年在华盛顿西雅图创建。REI作为消费者合作社成员,在30多个国家110多个零售商店通过互联网出售户外娱乐装备,运动物品和衣服等,主要为登山者,背包客和登山探险者提供设备,且品牌产品以高品质,高性价比而为众多消费者所喜欢。From backpacking to cycling to staying in shape and more, outfit your outdoor activities with the latest gear, clothing & footwear at REI.
- 2015-06-05 - 收藏Backcountry官网
Backcountry是美国一家专门为户外运动者提供装备的在线购物网站,在这里您能找到最适合您的各种户外装备,产品覆盖North Face,Black Diamond,Petzl、Mountain Hardware,Arc Teryx,Salomon等将近250个知名品牌,类别齐全,并且都以折扣价买到。Memorial Day Sale - Find the foremost selection of The North Face, Patagonia, Mountain Hardwear, Arcteryx & Marmot outdoor gear & apparel.
- 2015-05-16 - 收藏创略中国RTB广告平台
Chinapex创略中国是一家数字媒体效果营销公司,国内第一家独立的数字媒体交易平台(Media Trading Desk)网络广告投放平台.专注于程序化媒体购买,RTB广告,实时竞价广告,展示广告投放,移动广告投放,视频贴片广告,移动视频广告,PMP程序化直投及品牌广告投放.www.chinapex.com.cn
- 2015-05-08 - 收藏Intellectual Property Office
Intellectual Property Office The Intellectual Property Office website is currently experiencing difficulties.We are working to rectify the situation and hope to be back online soon... www.ipo.gov.uk
- 2015-04-29 - 收藏MGID官网
MGID网站致力于为广大网民提供互联网上最受欢迎的新闻资讯及商品信息,为广告客户提供产品和服务宣传平台,同时帮助合作伙伴提高网站流量。MGID最大限度的方便用户阅读新闻资讯等。当用户在MGID网站及合作伙伴网站浏览新闻时,MGID先进的AD-GID技术可为用户提供与所阅读的内容最匹配的服务广告信息,极大提升用户非计划性购买性。MGID\'s native advertising technologies help acquire visitors, monetize websites, bulid new audiences, grow traffic and increase conversions, using non-intrusive practices based on genuine engagement
- 2015-04-26 - 收藏TIMEX天美时官网
天美时是拥有百年历史的美国手表第一品牌TIMEX,以专业的制表技术闻名全球,在美国为最畅销的运动休闲表品牌。For more than 150 years, Timex has focused on quality, value and timeless style. Today, trusted favorites testify to our customer loyalty, redesigned classics make bold modern statements, and worldwide popularity proves wearing a Timex tells more than time. Through trends, technology, expeditions, marathons and generations, Timex®, keeps on ticking.™
- 2015-04-24 - 收藏Venue Kings官网
Venue Kings offers cheap tickets to all sports, concerts, and theaters. Because of our excellent service, your will receive your tickets on time and spend your time stress free.
- 2015-04-24 - 收藏PetSmart官网
PetSmart , 是美国最大的宠物用品零售商, 在美国、加拿大和波多黎各共有约54000员工,1387家门店和201个PetSmart PetsHotels® dog寄宿设施。PetSmart有12000多种产品,价格合理,店内服务包括宠物收养,登记,培养和培训。另外还提供领先的在线宠物用品和宠物护理信息。Get the best pet supplies to care for your pet. PetSmart offers quality pet products and accessories for a healthier, happier pet.
- 2015-04-24 - 收藏