
  • Mediheal美迪惠尔中文官网


    Mediheal美迪惠尔中文官网cn.medihealshop.com 韩国L&P公司旗下的专业药妆品牌。其研发的水库针剂面膜,一经推出就荣获各项专利与韩国科技荣誉,开创面膜界补水修复技术,全球累计销售已超1.5亿张。作为药妆品牌,Mediheal美迪惠尔每款产品经过层层严格的皮肤测试,亦适宜敏感肌肤。2015年4月中旬开通中文网后,mediheal美迪惠尔的专业药妆产品可从韩国直邮中国,足不出户约10天即可享受其美肤盛宴。

    - 2016-01-28 - 收藏
  • Taipei International Cycle Show

    Taipei International Cycle Show

    Taipei CYCLE, Asia\'s biggest and best cycling industry extravaganza that\'s organized by TAITRA, heads into 26th edition in 2015 with an unstoppable momentum by featuring complete bicycles, bicycle parts and accessories and light electric vehicles.

    - 2016-01-27 - 收藏
  • 中国自行车协会官方网站


    中国自行车运动协会是在民政部注册的、具有独立法人资格的全国性社会团体,是代表中国参加国际自行车联合会及相应的国际自行车运动的唯一合法组织。其宗旨是团结全国自行车运动工作者和爱好者,积极开展健康有益的自行车活动,努力提高竞技水平,促进自行车运动在我国的普及与发展。   我国正式开展的自行车项目有场地、公路、山地和BMX小轮车四个大项,此外,独轮车、自行车攀爬等运动项目也具有一定的群众基础。目前,全国绝大部分省市都建有专业自行车队,注册运动员逾千人,其总体竞技水平在亚洲处于领先地位,并在奥运会上多次获得奖牌。另外,自行车作为一项健康、环保、时尚的绿色运动,深受大众喜爱,自行车爱好者数以百万计,自行车运动已成为大众娱乐、健身的一个热点和亮点。地址: 中国北京市石景山区老山西街6号 邮编:100049 电话:010 68862589 010 68826385 邮箱:admin@chncycling.com

    - 2016-01-27 - 收藏
  • Adventure Cycling Association

    Adventure Cycling Association

    Adventure Cycling Association inspires and empowers people to travel by bicycle.America\'s Bicycle Travel Experts | Adventure Cycling Association

    - 2016-01-27 - 收藏
  • Giant Bicycles

    Giant Bicycles

    Giant Bicycles\' official site provides Giant\'s latest bikes, accessories, news, promotion, event, pro cycling team and where to find bicycle dealers near you. www.giant-bicycles.com

    - 2016-01-27 - 收藏
  • Trek Bikes

    Trek Bikes

    Driven by adventure, guided by our history, inspired by community, enchanted by the freedom of the open road and committed, always, to creating the world\'s greatest bicycles.

    - 2016-01-27 - 收藏
  • MERIDA BIKES International

    MERIDA BIKES International

    Merida Bikes - German engineered mountain bikes, e-bikes, cross bikes, trekking bikes and road bikes.At the Merida Industry Co., Ltd., these brilliant 40 years of tradition and experience in the production of first-class bicycles represent many aspects: From the close teamwork with the R&D department in Germany and the cooperation with premium suppliers up to the actual manufacturing (managed by experienced experts at modern workplaces), each and every realization step of a Merida bike is pe

    - 2016-01-27 - 收藏
  • 美骑会-美骑网



    - 2016-01-27 - 收藏
  • 卡售卡



    - 2016-01-27 - 收藏
  • 宁东管委会安全教育平台


    宁东管委会安全教育平台ningdong.safetree.com.cn进入宁东管委会学校安全教育平台,用以下自己对应的账号及密码登入,然后在双休日完成3个内容的学习:“常见的交通标志”、“安全学游泳”及自选一个内容,学好后请点击右上角“签名”,并点击“检测学习效果”,完成课堂测评。一次通不过的需要再测一次,直到通过为止。请各校负责人员注意:目前平台正在开展暑期活动,请于新学年2015年9月10日之后再对学生的班级及相关账号进行归档删除毕业班、升级相应年级、导入新生账号等操作,以免影响数据统计。咨询电话:400-711-1010(周一到周五 9:30-17:30)邮箱:csesafe@moe.edu.cn

    - 2016-01-24 - 收藏