Better Photography更佳摄影官网
更佳摄影是印度摄影杂志《更佳摄影》的网页版,也是其官方网站。《更佳摄影》是印度第一本、也是最优秀的摄影类杂志,内容涉及摄影作品、摄影器材、摄影技术、后期制作以及各种拍摄窍门等。其官方网站不仅涵盖了纸质版的大部分内容,而且增加了论坛与活动专区,为摄影爱好者提供了一个非常好的讨论与交流平台。Better Photography – Participate in Photography Contests & Events, Learn Photography Tips and Read Camera Reviews.
- 2015-10-31 - 收藏ABPLive官网
印度新闻频道STAR News是印地语的STAR TV,为观众报道娱乐界的轰动英文和专门的节目,除了印度本国的频道外,共有3个境外频道(欧洲、中国香港和美国)。ABPLive.in provides up-to-the-minute news from India. Visit ABP Live to get all the latest news, breaking news & current events from India. Live News updates from World, Politics, Sports, Business, Gadgets, Bollywood news.
- 2015-10-31 - 收藏Bharatstudent官网
Bharatstudent是印度著名的校友录网站,创建于2007年,该网站印度用户占91%。提供交友、学习圈、互助(Bharat)、影评、电影剪辑和名人新闻等服务,网站语言为英语。India\'s Largest Free Social Community Networking Site for Indian friends & Indian student.Friends,Gangs,Film News,Gossips,Photo Galleries,Wallpapers of Actor&Actress,Information On Study Abroad,free admissions,Upload Videos @Campus TV,Girls Only,Blogs,Events,Games,Greetings,E-cards,Boy Zone,Live Radio,Star Player,Astrology,Cricket
- 2015-10-31 - 收藏Tata Motors Limited
Tata Motors Limited is the largest manufacturer in Indian automotive industry. It is the leader in commercial vehicles, and among the top in passenger vehicles.
- 2015-10-31 - 收藏Oneindia印度第一站
印度第一站是印度的综合门户网站,提供新闻、体育、旅游、娱乐、视频、分类广告等信息。根据排名机构Alexa,该网站在印度热门网站中排名34。网站共有5中语言,包括英语和四个南印度语。Oneindia is a large online portal that brings Breaking & Latest current news headlines from india on Politics, Sports, Current Affairs in India & around the world. Latest updates on Indian sports, movies, business, stock markets, Cricket, lifestyle & much more
- 2015-10-31 - 收藏Thanglong官网
- 2015-10-31 - 收藏