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- 2014-05-15 - 收藏Agency Search Directory
Agency Search Directory Agency Search Directory is an online web resource directory and business search engine. We review and list businesses and web resource under one roof for every industry. All websites listed are humanly reviewed and formatted before listing them on our directory.
- 2014-05-13 - 收藏CNKI知识搜索
国家知识基础设施(National Knowledge Infrastructure,CNKI)的概念,由世界银行提出于1998年。CNKI工程是以实现全社会知识资源传播共享与增值利用为目标的信息化建设项目,由清华大学、清华同方发起,始建于1999年6月。在党和国家领导以及教育部、中宣部、科技部、新闻出版总署、国家版权局、国家计委的大力支持下,在全国学术界、教育界、出版界、图书情报界等社会各界的密切配合和清华大学的直接领导下,CNKI工程集团经过多年努力,采用自主开发并具有国际领先水平的数字图书馆技术,建成了世界上全文信息量规模最大的\"CNKI数字图书馆\",并正式启动建设《中国知识资源总库》及CNKI网格资源共享平台,通过产业化运作,为全社会知识资源高效共享提供最丰富的知识信息资源和最有效的知识传播与数字化学习平台。
- 2014-03-02 - 收藏赛门铁克认证服务
Symantec™ Authentication Services powered by VeriSign provides solutions that allow companies & consumers to engage in communications & commerce online with confidence. Symantec™ Authentication Services include SSL Certificates, Extended Validation SSL, two-factor authentication, identity protection, code signing & public key infrastructure (PKI).
- 2014-02-28 - 收藏Yahoo Malaysia
Welcome to Yahoo, the world\'s most visited homepage. Find what you\'re searching for, get in touch with friends and stay informed with the latest news and information.
- 2014-02-15 - 收藏