- 2015-10-31 - 收藏Venice Carnival
Venice Carnival 2016 Official Authorized Agent. Book now your special balls, dinner and events in Venice. You can rent costumes and masks.意大利威尼斯面具嘉年华(Venice Carnival Italy)是威尼斯狂欢节的象征,威尼斯的狂欢节为期半个月左右,每年日期根据复活节日期不同而改变,2015年威尼斯面具狂欢节,从1月31日到2月17日。2016年的威尼斯面具狂欢节时间目前也已经公布,1月23日到2月9日。现在已经是世界三大嘉年华之一盛大节日。
- 2015-10-24 - 收藏Stuart Weitzman官网
斯图尔特·韦茨曼 (Stuart Weitzman) 是高端鞋履品牌,是第一夫人钟爱的品牌,也是明星红毯秀上常见的鞋。Shop Stuart Weitzman for the latest fashion trends in shoes for ladies. Sophisticated designer platforms, wedges, pumps and clogs in suede, leather and animal prints - all created with Stuart Weitzman quality and artistry.
- 2015-07-10 - 收藏Android学习网
- 2015-06-20 - 收藏Smashbox官网
Shop Primers, BB Cream, CC Cream and more award-winning makeup straight from the Smashbox studio sets and into your life. No other cosmetics brand can make that claim: makeup created, tested and photographed at a real studio. Plus, get free shipping and samples on every US order!Smashbox Cosmetics是美国知名彩妆品牌,致力于设计出给专业彩妆工作者最完美的彩妆组合,提供用起来最友善、最方便,并且带来彩妆的乐趣的产品。该品牌从不违言“化妆,也是伪装”的事实,亦把摄影技巧融入彩妆需求,发挥得淋漓尽致。底妆擅长“速成式”完美肌肤,快捷好用,持久度不俗。www.smashbox.com
- 2015-06-18 - 收藏OBEY CLOTHING官网
Obey,品牌全名叫Obey Giant。设计师喜欢收集贴字、海报,曾以一名摔角手’Andre the Grant’的样貌作贴字、贴满整个街头而广受欢迎,因而取其名作品牌名字。轻便的街头服饰以摇滚及Hip Hop乐手作设计灵感,款式包括卫衣、tee及阔身裤子。The official OBEY Clothing website. A mix of progressive design, classic street wear, and apparel basics. Based on the design of artist and designer Shepard Fairey.
- 2015-04-24 - 收藏学习中国-中国干部学习网
- 2015-04-03 - 收藏