圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)创建于1842年,位于美国印第安那州,是一所文理兼顾的著名私立大学。“Notre Dame”是圣母玛利亚之意,顾名思义,这是一所罗马天主教大学,九成学生信天主教。圣母大学校风严谨、纯正,学生非常热衷于各项志愿的社会工作,也有大量学生加入社会事务中心,帮助照顾老人及伤残人员。
Iceach.com is a professional online market and main-stream network media in Integrated Circuits field who was founded in Oct. 2002. We offer professional internet application services about B2B E-business and network marketing of IC industry.
中国仪器仪表学会(China Instrument and Control Society)简称CIS,是中国仪器仪表与测量控制科学技术工作者自愿组成并依法登记成立的学术性、公益性、非营利性社团法人,是党和国家联系仪器仪表与测量控制科技工作者的桥梁和纽带,是发展中国仪器仪表与测量控制科学技术事业的重要社会力量。
The Diamond Trading Company (DTC) is the rough diamond sales and distribution arm of the De Beers Family of Companies and is the world's largest supplier of rough diamonds, handling approximately 40% of the world's supply by value.