Researchers who want to get up-close and personal with their target audience deserve the best seat in the house. With Wakoopa\'s passive metering technologies, you get behind the screens. We get you cross-device behavioral data from a single source: the consumer. Track real people\'s behavior, analyze their full digital footprint and discover real insights. Enjoy the view.
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏Real Time Search
Social Mention is a social media search engine that searches user-generated content such as blogs, comments, bookmarks, events, news, videos, and microblogging services.
- 2014-09-21 - 收藏Price Comparison
priceneverlies.com: Comparing Tracking and Watching the Price at Amazon Bestbuy Newegg.
- 2014-08-17 - 收藏Foreign Trade Online
Premier B2B Web portal for foreign trade. Worldwide importers, exporters, manufacturers, freight forwarders directories, trade leads, statistics, exhibitions, market research, software and more.
- 2014-02-04 - 收藏Google Analytics
Google Analytics is the enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness.
- 2010-03-23 - 收藏