Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: essential documents, statistics, maps and multimedia resources.
- 2011-11-21 - 收藏International Law Institute(国际法研究会)
A private, not-for-profit organization that conducts scholarly research, publishing, and practical legal training and technical assistance on many aspects of international legal and economic policy and practice.
- 2011-11-17 - 收藏ICFTU(国际自由工会联合会)
The ICFTU is a confederation of 215 national trade union centres, representing 125 million trade union members in 145 countries and territories, which campaigns to defend workers' rights worldwide.
- 2011-11-16 - 收藏International Fund for Agricultural Development(国际农业发展基金)
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations, was established as an international financial institution in 1977 as one of the major outcomes of the 1974 World Food Conference.
- 2011-11-15 - 收藏World Intellectual Property Organization(世界知识产权组织)
WIPO, The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) homepage, entry point for information about industrial property and copyright.
- 2011-11-11 - 收藏特百惠(Tupperware)
全球著名家居用品品牌,总部设在美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市。超过70年历史,全球70 多家分公司。在15 个国家设立了生产基地,如美国、法国、澳大利亚、韩国、中国等。已推出8000余种产品,畅销全球100多个国家和地区。致力于设计实用与美观相结合的优质产品,为消费者提供食物保鲜、制备、烹饪、储藏、盛餐、清洁等系列的产品。
- 2011-04-14 - 收藏