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- 2015-02-19 - 收藏OurCrowd众筹网
OurCrowd众筹网www.ourcrowd.com OurCrowd是一家以色列股权众筹平台,是风险投资和众筹两种方式的结合体,主要投资对象是全球范围内的初创公司。OurCrowd的管理团队由很多知名投资专家组成,由连续创业家Jon Medved领导。
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Pozible is a crowdfunding platform and community for creative projects and ideas. Developed for artists, musicians, filmmakers, journalists, designers, entrepreneurs, inventors, event organisers, software developers and all other creative minded people to raise funds and make awesome things possible.
- 2015-02-19 - 收藏