We are the leaders in digital content monetization. Since 2006, we have paid out over $50 million dollars to over 200,000 affiliates.
- 2013-12-28 - 收藏clicksor广告联盟
Promote your business with today\'s most effective contextual online advertising and re-targeting technology and behavioral Marketing Services at a cost effective metric of CPC, PPC, CPM or CPV.跟adsense类似,一般只支持英文站,单价还不错,支持paypal付款。
- 2013-12-28 - 收藏SiteScout广告联盟
SiteScout is the world's first and largest self-serve advertising platform for buying online banner ad space (in real time) and across the web and on mobile devices. We help advertisers and agencies streamline the digital media buying process.
- 2013-12-28 - 收藏Ecology Global Network广告联盟
Ecology Global Network is a multimedia portal focused on ecology and the environment, providing content-rich resources with global perspectives.
- 2013-12-28 - 收藏BidVertiser广告联盟
Pay per click advertising - online advertising directly on sites of your choice, internet marketing solution for online advertisers. Webmasters make money online from your website or blog with text ads affiliate program.
- 2013-12-28 - 收藏Infolinks文内广告联盟
Infolinks leads the online advertising industry by driving new revenue opportunities for publishers while overcoming banner blindness for advertisers.
- 2013-12-28 - 收藏天音软件官方网站TianyinStudio
- 2013-12-27 - 收藏华翔联信
华翔联信huaxiangtelecom.cn关于清华控股有限公司 作为北京华翔联信科技有限公司的股东单位,清华控股有限公司是清华大学在整合清华科技产业的基础上,经国务院批准,出资设立的国有独资有限责任公司,注册资本20亿元人民币。 清华控股有限公司是自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束的企业法人实体。公司与所投资企业以资本为纽带建立母子公司关系,依法经营在所投资企业中投资形成的国有资产和国有股权;主要从事科技成果产业化、高科技企业孵化、投资管理、资产运营和资本运作等业务。公司在清华大学科技产业发展、整合资产、调整结构、协调利益等方面发挥主导作用。
- 2013-12-27 - 收藏