Jurlique来自澳洲并从诞生之初便被誉为世界上最纯净的活机护肤品牌,是政府认可的治疗性的药品的制造商;持有澳大利亚药品管理局颁发的专业牌照,所有从原料到至制成品每一步骤都经过严格的质量控制;符合国际(GMP)制药标准。Jurlique的产品以有机植物为原材料,结合古老医学精华中的草药配方、芬芳疗法、顺势疗法、炼丹术,并融人现代生化再生技术精制,完美保留植物细胞的生命力,令其发挥活性精华效能。Jurlique has been the leader in natural skin care science since 1985. We apply advanced technologies to organic ingredients from our Australian Farm to create high performance, potent skin care. The result: healthy, beautiful skin.www.jurlique.com
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