UAH - The University of Alabama in Huntsville
The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) is a public co-educational, state-supported research university within The University of Alabama System. UAH was founded as part of the University of Alabama in 1950 and became an autonomous campus within the UA System in 1969.
- 2015-11-13 - 收藏The University of North Alabama
The University of North Alabama is an accredited, comprehensive regional state university offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
- 2015-11-13 - 收藏The University of Alabama
Official Web Site of The University of Alabama; founded in 1831, UA is a senior comprehensive doctoral-level institution dedicated to advancing intellectual and social conditions through quality programs of teaching, research, and service
- 2015-11-13 - 收藏日本环球影城官网
日本环球影城(UniversalStudiosJapan)是除了好莱坞、佛罗里达之外,首座不在美国本土的环球影城。它是世界三大环球影城之一。作为一座电影电视主题乐园,园区设备与表演大多移植自美国环球影城,活动设计是引领游客置身于电影情节的临场感受之中。 代表性的游乐设施包括侏罗纪公园、大白鲨、回到未来、ET星际历险、水世界、西部替身表演秀、动物演员舞台、电视节目制作参观导游、环球影城动画魔术。惊险的幻灯片,惊心动魄的好莱坞原滋原味的演示与趣味节目,让人觉得置身于一个虚幻的世界里。里面有再现《白鲨》和《E.T.外星人》等美国好莱坞著名电影场景的十八个令人叹为观止的惊险节目,观光者可以亲身体验到在电影院里曾令人激动不已的“真正场面”。
- 2015-11-08 - 收藏Japan online shopping即尚网
即尚网(JSHOPPERS.com)是一个由日本面向海外的专业购物网站,隶属于日本最大邮购公司Nissen,向海外120个国家提供日本的流行服饰、杂货等网上邮购服务。High-quality Japanese items at great prices, sent express delivery overseas! Lots of the latest women\'s fashions, inner wear, maternity wear, etc! Lineup of 60,000 items that includes kids\' clothing, men\'s shirts, daily life items + miscellaneous goods. Opened in 2004, an online shopping site for overseas customers.
- 2015-11-08 - 收藏NAVER まとめ[情報をデザインする。キュレーションプラットフォーム]
- 2015-11-08 - 收藏asiaEP
Asia leading e-marketplace for manufacturing industry include Automotive, Medical,Health & Beauty, Building and Construction, Metal and steel, Chemical, Paper and Wood, Electrical and Electronic, Plastic, Food & Beverage, Rubber, Furniture, Safety and security, Garment and Fashion, Services, Shoe and Footwear, Jewelry, Stationary and Office, Machinery, and household products
- 2015-11-01 - 收藏