Nautica, a global lifestyle brand, offers a wide selection of apparel for men, women and kids as well as a large selection of home products, select accessories like watches and small leather goods, fragrance and swimwear.1983年成立源自美国的时装品牌,NAUTICA的产品系列包括休闲装、比赛服、男女牛仔服系列、男子正装、女子泳装、男女睡衣、男子内衣、童装,以及全系列的配饰品,包括眼镜、手表、香水和家居用品。Nautica的服饰充满着阳光气息,线条简洁有力,用色方面较为鲜明 (bright colour),湖水蓝、青绿色的衣服比比皆是。
- 2015-06-05 - 收藏Swarovski施华洛世奇官网
Swarovski(施华洛世奇)是世界上首屈一指的水晶制造商,每年为时装、首饰及水晶灯等工业提供大量优质的切割水晶石,其魅力源自材料的品质和采用的制造方法。同时施华洛世奇 (Swarovski) 也是以优质、璀璨夺目和高度精确的水晶和相关产品闻名于世的奢侈品品牌。www.swarovski.com
- 2015-06-05 - 收藏Jomashop官网
Jomashop.com is your source for luxury watches, pens, handbags, and crystal. Our site features a huge selection of Tag Heuer Watches, Rolex Watches, Breitling Watches, Movado Watches, Cartier, Montblanc, Citizen, and other discount watches. We also specialize in Swarovski Crystal Montblanc Pens, and Luxury Jewelry.
- 2015-05-16 - 收藏walgreens官网
- 2015-05-16 - 收藏eWatches商城
eWatches是一家全球知名的手表经销商。它的手表不仅物美价廉,最重要的是为客户提供30天退款政策,得到了全球众多消费者的喜爱。商家承诺它销售的所有手表100%来自正规厂家,绝无假货。包括的知名品牌有:Bulgari、Burgerrry、Calvin Klein、Citizen、Gucci等。Watches for Men, Women\'s watches, Swiss watches, Chronograph watches, Men\'s watches, Ladies\' watches & Discount Designer watches at eWatches.com
- 2015-04-25 - 收藏MZ WALLACE官网
长草尼龙包MZ WALLACE是地地道道的美国品牌,在美国的知名度也很高,传说是国务卿希拉里.克林顿的常用品牌包包。尼龙的优点就是轻盈,好的尼龙还有一个优点是结实耐用。但如果要一只尼龙包显得优质,关键体现在里衬、缝边还有金属配件了。New York based handbag company known for designing perfect everyday bags. Shop the signature lightweight Bedford Nylon Collection, the best-selling Metro Tote, and essential accessories on the brand\'s official website.
- 2015-04-24 - 收藏TIMEX天美时官网
天美时是拥有百年历史的美国手表第一品牌TIMEX,以专业的制表技术闻名全球,在美国为最畅销的运动休闲表品牌。For more than 150 years, Timex has focused on quality, value and timeless style. Today, trusted favorites testify to our customer loyalty, redesigned classics make bold modern statements, and worldwide popularity proves wearing a Timex tells more than time. Through trends, technology, expeditions, marathons and generations, Timex®, keeps on ticking.™
- 2015-04-24 - 收藏