10moons Technology Development Co. Ltd specializes in designing, manufacturing and marketing TV tuners, RMVB Players,Digital Photo Frames,Webcams, IP cameras, and security DVRs.
- 2010-02-11 - 收藏Supermicro(超微)
Motherboards, chassis, power supplies, Server, Super Blade and other key components.
- 2010-02-05 - 收藏Creative(创新)
The worldwide leader in Digital Entertainment products for your personal computer and the Internet with Sound Blaster Sound Cards, NOMAD MP3 Players, Creative WebCams, and Inspire speaker systems.
- 2010-02-03 - 收藏Logitech(罗技)
Holding company with subsidiaries which design, manufacture and market broad range of computer control devices, including mice, trackballs, touchpads...
- 2010-02-02 - 收藏IDG Connect
International Data Group, the world's largest technology media company, has globally branded product lines that reach more than 200 million technology buyers in 92 countries.
- 2010-01-26 - 收藏World Wide Web Consortium(W3C)
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards.
- 2010-01-21 - 收藏大山-Rowswell
Dashan is 'the most famous foreigner in China', a media celebrity who serves as a cultural bridge between China and the West. 来自加拿大的大山是中国人民非常熟悉的国际友人。
- 2010-01-19 - 收藏WWF Schweiz
Der WWF Schweiz ist die nationale Organisation der globalen Umweltschutzorganisation WWF. Das Ziel: Der weltweiten Naturzerst?rung Einhalt zu gebieten und eine Zukunft zu gestalten, in der Mensch und Natur in Einklang leben.
- 2010-01-11 - 收藏