Diari d'Andorra安道尔日报官网
《安道尔日报》是安道尔国内的主流报刊,也是安道尔三大报刊之一,于1991年在安道尔城创刊。其在线报刊语言为加泰罗尼亚语。网站主要提供安道尔国内外的新闻时事,网站设计图文并茂、内容丰富。Diari d\'Andorra - Premsa Andorrana SA - El diari del Principat d\'Andorra, des de 1991. El periodico del Principado de Andorra desde 1991. The newspaper of Principality of Andorra, since 1991. Le Journal de l\'Andorre depuis le 1991.
- 2015-10-29 - 收藏Vatican Tours梵蒂冈旅游公司
梵蒂冈旅游公司(Vatican Tour Company)是位于意大利罗马专营梵蒂冈旅游业务的旅行社(梵蒂冈是教皇国,该国境内没有任何公司,其旅游业务基本由罗马的各大旅行社包揽)。该公司除了敬业梵蒂冈的旅游路线之外,还提供一些罗马城市的旅游服务,部分旅游路线将梵蒂冈和罗马之旅打包销售,主要接待个人和团体的旅游,较少涉及商务服务。网站语言为英语。We specialise in small and private tours around Rome, including Vatican Tours, Sistine Chapel, St Peter Basilica, Colosseum and more...discover Rome without the queues!
- 2015-10-29 - 收藏Malta Property
At Malta Property we have a wide selection of properties for sale and properties to let in Malta, Gozo - apartments and penthouses to farmhouses and villas
- 2015-10-27 - 收藏REMAX Malta Real Estate Agency
REMAX Malta Real Estate Agency provides professional assistance in finding your residential or commercial property for sale or for rent-to let, holiday accommodation, we cover all type of properties from authentic farmhouses to modern apartments and luxury villas in Malta and Gozo.
- 2015-10-27 - 收藏University of Malta
University of Malta Think Magazine: Issue 14 The University of Malta’s research magazine divider Opening of academic year 2015-16 The University of Malta opens its doors... www.um.edu.mt
- 2015-10-27 - 收藏白俄罗斯国家旅游局官网
白俄罗斯国家旅游局(Belarus National Tourism Agency)的官方网站,主要提供白俄罗斯旅游概况、旅游景点简介、旅游主题、自然风景、风土人情、美食佳肴、交通信息、住宿信息等实用旅游资讯。网站语言有英语、俄语、德语和波兰语等四种。
- 2015-10-27 - 收藏