Shop Jewelry.com for exceptional designer jewelry and unique collections you won\'t find anywhere else, all at the best prices online.Jewelry.com创立于2001年,一个专门出售珠宝首饰的网店,旨在以最优惠的价格、最优质的产品服务广大消费者。在Jewelry,成千上万的钻石或是宝石戒指、耳环、项链、手链被出售,从35美元到3500美元不等,并且经常都有 60-80%的折扣。www.jewelry.com
- 2015-06-18 - 收藏Journeys官网
Visit Journeys.com for the latest styles from top brands with FREE SHIPPING on purchases 39.99 and up! Journeys Shoes carries the hottest brands and latest styles of athletic sneakers, boots, sandals and heels.Journeys是全球知名鞋履品牌授权零售商,致力于为顾客带来最潮流的新款,最优惠的价格,最具品质的质量保证。热销品牌包括:UGG、ADIDAS、TIMBERLAND、CONVERSE、VANS、Puma等。www.journeys.com
- 2015-06-18 - 收藏Saks Fifth Avenue官网
Free Shipping, Every Day, Every Order. Shop Saks.com for the latest Designer Women\'s Apparel, Men\'s Apparel, Shoes, Handbags, Beauty and More.萨克斯第五大道精品百货店 (Saks Fifth Avenue),世界上顶级的百货公司之一, 常年都会有一些大品牌打折,包括巴宝莉 (Burberry) 、Charles Nolan 、Cynthia Steffe 、波士 (HUGO BOSS) 、橘滋 (Juicy Couture) 等等,最大的特点是折扣商品的颜色和大小基本齐全。最大的卖点是有一些款式独特的商品仅在萨克斯第五大道精品百货店 (Saks Fifth Avenue) 限量出售。
- 2015-06-18 - 收藏Shoebuy官网
FREE Shipping & Returns. 1,200 Brands and a 100% Price Guarantee. Save on women\'s shoes, men\'s shoes, kid\'s shoes, boots, sandals, slippers, clothing and more! Shoebuy是互联网上最大的鞋类及相关服装零售商。Shoebuy与900多个厂商的建立伙伴关系,产品有70多万种,包括阿迪达斯、艾伦、埃德蒙兹、英国其乐、鳄鱼、爱步、斐乐、等世界顶级品牌。因其杰出服务而连续六年被BizRate评为美国顶级eTailers,而只有两家企业连续六获此殊荣;并被Hitwise评为网上十大访问量最大的服装及配饰分类商业网站。
- 2015-06-18 - 收藏Smashbox官网
Shop Primers, BB Cream, CC Cream and more award-winning makeup straight from the Smashbox studio sets and into your life. No other cosmetics brand can make that claim: makeup created, tested and photographed at a real studio. Plus, get free shipping and samples on every US order!Smashbox Cosmetics是美国知名彩妆品牌,致力于设计出给专业彩妆工作者最完美的彩妆组合,提供用起来最友善、最方便,并且带来彩妆的乐趣的产品。该品牌从不违言“化妆,也是伪装”的事实,亦把摄影技巧融入彩妆需求,发挥得淋漓尽致。底妆擅长“速成式”完美肌肤,快捷好用,持久度不俗。www.smashbox.com
- 2015-06-18 - 收藏Bergdorf Goodman官网
Free Shipping and Free Returns. Every Day. Shop Bergdorf Goodman for the latest designs from Prada, Jimmy Choo, Gucci, Lanvin, Dolce & Gabbana. Bergdorf Goodman has the best from top designers for men and women.Bergdorf Goodman是美国著名的时尚传统百货公司,集世界首席设计师之名牌于一堂,集合了200多家女性品牌和100多家男装品牌。囊括了全世界极度罕见的奢侈品,甚至到了走火入魔的境地,任何天价新品,都会先在这里亮相。www.bergdorfgoodman.com
- 2015-06-18 - 收藏