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Johnnie Walker(尊尼获加)
联合酿酒集团(UNITED DISTILLERS)拥有的尊尼获加威士忌,是苏格兰威士忌之典范。尊尼获加家族自一八二零年创业以来,凭着历代总调配师的优良技术和专注精神,一直保持原有之品质和特性,在国际间屡获殊荣。一九九六年,联合酿酒集团更在全球最权威的国际洋酒大赛中被选为全球最佳酿酒集团。
- 2011-05-03 - 收藏Ballantine's(百龄坛)
Producers of blended Scotch whisky. Features product information, history, and a FAQ.
- 2011-05-03 - 收藏芝华士(Chivas)
1801年成立于苏格兰阿柏丁的芝华士公司,是全世界最早生产调和威士忌并将其推向市场的威士忌生产商,同时也是威士忌三重调和的创造者。出于对威士忌事业的无比沉醉,芝华士兄弟遍访欧美大陆,成为最早发现威士忌酿制秘密的先驱。创始人James Chivas坚持认为保持品牌口味的一贯性是品牌的魅力所在,并开始创造有一贯质量保证的调和型威士忌。就这样,其品牌“芝华士”诞生于十九世纪九十年代。
- 2011-05-03 - 收藏Chivas(芝华士)
Blended and aged Scotch whisky. Includes history and blending information.
- 2011-05-03 - 收藏Hennessy(轩尼诗)
Hennessy Cognac : All information about French Cognac Products and the Story Brand.. All information about wine and spirits making, brandy, wine tasting and Cognac - Hennessy Purewhite, VS, VSOP, Fine de Cognac, XO, Private Reserve, Paradis Extra, Paradis, Richard Hennessy, VSOP Fine Champagne.
- 2011-05-03 - 收藏Remy Martin(人头马)
A clear explanation of the Cognac area and production methods, and a journey through the largest cooperage in Europe.
- 2011-05-03 - 收藏