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- 2010-02-10 - 收藏CASIO(卡西欧)
Casio America, Inc., Dover, N.J., is the U.S. subsidiary of Casio Computer Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of consumer electronics and business equipment solutions, established in 1957.
- 2010-02-10 - 收藏Hitachi(日立)
Hitachi's diversity is a result of its policy of responding to society's changing needs by entering new product areas while keeping existing divisions active.
- 2010-02-10 - 收藏SANYO Electric(三洋)
SANYO Electric Global Portal Site. Gateway to SANYO Websites Worldwide, and Products Information, Corporate Information, Corporate History, Investor Relations, Corporate Social Contributions.
- 2010-02-10 - 收藏KONICA MINOLTA(柯尼卡美能达)
Gateway to Konica Minolta websites Worldwide, and Corporate Information, Investor Relations, Environment and more. Konica Minolta is an Innovative Company and continues to create impressions in the Field of Imaging.
- 2010-02-10 - 收藏