David’s Cookies
David’s Cookies是一家可信赖的做食品的网站,主要有新鲜烘焙的曲奇饼,布朗尼,起司蛋糕等。David’s Cookies所生产的食品均用的是犹太乳制品,质量有所保证。Cookie Delivery from David\'s Cookies. Buy fresh baked cookie gifts, gourmet cookies, cakes, brownies, more. Send cookies online delivered free to your door.
- 2015-01-06 - 收藏Juice Beauty果漾美颜
Juice Beauty是美国护肤品牌,中文名果漾美颜。果漾美颜的任何一款产品都不含刺激性防腐剂、化学合成物、人造色素或合成香料,取而代之的是100%天然有机成分——必需脂肪酸、植物萃取物、植物油和蜂蜜。所有的强效天然有机成分都提取于经美国农业部审批的有机农场。其洗面奶、精华、保湿乳和面膜的有机成分含量高达95%。Juice Beauty offers organic skin care and organic beauty products that are clinically validated to show transformative results. Our organic skincare products include moisturizers, anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, makeup, cleansers, sunscreen and more.
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- 2014-12-25 - 收藏OKO Digital
Achieve more online with a website designed, developed, managed and promoted by OKO. Our results focused approach & dedication to value has ensure 2 decades of success.
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- 2014-12-19 - 收藏